St. John reminds us that the Holy Spirit, dwelling in the heart of each person in whom Christ reigns, will teach us all things. (John 14:26 )God's powermanifested by the Holy Spiritacts perpetually to renew and transform the fallen creation, to reveal its original unity and beauty; this action is not impersonal but proceeds from the Heart of God, from Person to person and awaits our invocation:Come, Holy Spirit! Veni Sancte Spiritus!
AND RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH. Come, Father of the poor, Come, giver of gifts, Come, light of the heart.
Happy the pure heart. How infinite in the Holy Spirit.
Beside the Living Water through the action of the Holy Spirit, the soul is nourished and purified.
Made one with all life in the infinite love of God, this unity is true happiness; it is the expansiveness of joy.